The Newsletter For Small Business Owners

Welcome to my newsletter for small business owners. Every Friday you will receive 1 insight to improve your marketing in less time than it takes to drink your morning coffee.

Nov 22 • 1 min read

What kind of website do you need?

I've been thinking about this question lately...

"How do you know you need a website?"

While the answer I hear most often is, because every business needs a website! But that answer isn't good enough. Spending thousands of dollars on marketing "just because" is not a good enough reason.

There is a lack of education around the different types of websites. Even if you have answered yes to this question, you need to know what kind of website.

  • Landing page?
  • E-commerce?
  • Small marketing site?

This opens a can of worms that just leads to more questions.

I use two criteria to determine what kind of website you need based on where your business is at. It's simple, and will help you get clarity on what you need and why.

The two stages are:

  1. Validation stage
  2. Growth stage

Identifying which stage you are in is critical for your website success.

Let's dive into each.

Stage 1: Validation

You are testing a new idea and trying to see if it resonates with people. Usually a new business looking to get started.

They don’t have:

  • Social proof
  • Ideal client profile
  • A network in the industry

If you’re in the validation stage, you don’t need anything fancy. A one-pager here will do.

Here's what doesn't matter in this stage:

  • Your about section
  • Your color scheme
  • Your Logo

The goal for your website at this stage is to validate a new idea and to provide a credible online presence.

Stage 2: Growth

If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you need to have a website that works for you.

How to know if you’re in this stage:

  • You know your ideal client
  • You understand their problems
  • You’ve delivered successful work

Now, you need to think about your website differently. Because a poor website in this stage will hurt your business.

It will drive away opportunities and leave customers with a bad taste in their mouth.

The goal of this stage is to build something that helps your business:

  • Attract more of your ideal customers
  • Establish credibility
  • Bring in new leads
  • Show empathy
  • Create trust

It's at this stage you need to invest in your website if you want it to succeed.

If you're crossing over into the growth stage and concerned your website is hurting your business, hit reply to this email. I have a free assessment you can take to determine where you're at.

--Luke Netti

Welcome to my newsletter for small business owners. Every Friday you will receive 1 insight to improve your marketing in less time than it takes to drink your morning coffee.

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